

讲座题目:Wave Solutions of KdV-Burgers-type Equations

主讲人:Zhaosheng Feng 教授 美国德克萨斯大学RGV分校 


讲座地点:腾讯会议 ID 560 977 321

主讲人简介:冯兆生,美国德克萨斯大学RGV分校理学院终身教授,主要研究方向有非线性分析, 动力系统, 分支和混沌理论, 数值计算和生物数学等。分别于2015和2021年两次获得德克萨斯大学年度杰出成就奖获。目前担任国际知名学术期刊CNSNS的共同主编和EJDE的执行主编,同时担任多个Elsevier和Springer国际学术杂志的编委。


In this talk, we are concerned with wave solutions of a class of the KdV-Burgers-type systems by starting with Burgers-type equations, and then focus on the higher-order KdV-Burgers equation, a partial differential equation that occupies a prominent position in describing some physical processes in motion of turbulence and other unstable process systems. By means of the associated equivalence algebra, the Abel operator and the Lie symmetry, explicit-implicit wave solutions and asymptotic behaviors are presented.